00 33 (0)4 71 49 67 34
Parc des Volcans d'Auvergne
La Roussière 15800 Saint-Clément
Maison d'hôtes
From the North:
▪ From Paris: Highway A 10, direction Bordeaux and follow direction Orléans/Bordeaux.
▪ At Orléans take the A 71 towards Clermont-Ferrand (toll).
▪ After Clermont-Ferrand continue on A 75 towards Montpellier (+ 70 Km, free of charge).
▪ Exit at Massiac (Exit n° 23, slow down on the descent not to miss the exit!).
▪ N 122 direction Aurillac, go through Murat and Le Lioran.
▪ At the entrance to Vic-sur-Cère, turn left and follow direction Pailherols.
▪ Drive up 6 Km to the Curebourse pass by the D54, at the top of the pass is the Hostellerie St Clément. Continue straight on towards Pailherols and go down for 4 Km (do not turn left towards St-Clément).
▪ Turn left just before a bridge (sign "La Roussière") and follow this small road for 4 Km without ever turning left or right.
▪ Yes, it's at the end... of the World, and the power line!
From the East: Same as above from Clermont-Ferrand. If you are coming from Lyon, you have the choice of taking the A89 highway to Clermont-Ferrand (toll), or leaving the highway at St-Etienne and going through Le Puy-en-Velay and then Brioude to join the A75 freeway at exit 20 (free). Take the direction of Montpellier and exit 23 (Massiac). Then, see above.
From the South:
▪ Take the A75 highway in the direction of Clermont-Ferrand/Paris.
▪ Exit at St-Flour (exit n° 29), follow direction Murat/Aurillac by the D926.
▪ In Murat, take the N122 to Aurillac, passing through Le Lioran.
▪ At the entrance to Vic-sur-Cère, turn left and follow direction Pailherols.
▪ Go up 6 Km to the Curebourse pass by the D54, at the top of the pass is the Hostellerie St Clément. Continue straight on towards Pailherols and go down for 4 Km (do not turn left towards St-Clément).
▪ Turn left just before a bridge (sign "La Roussière"), follow this small road for 4 Km without ever turning left or right.
▪ Yes, it's at the end... of the World, and of the power line!
➢ Variant without highway by Rodez Espalion Entraygues Mur-de-Barrez direction Vicsur-Cère, pass by Raulhac and Jou-sous-Monjou.
▪ 2 Km after Jou-sous-Monjou, after a bridge over the Goul, turn right just behind an abandoned house.
▪ Follow this small road for 4 Km without ever turning left or right. ▪ Yes, it's at the end... of the World, and the power line!
From the West:
▪ Join Aurillac by N 120, N 122 or D 922. ▪ Take the N 122 for 16 Km towards Clermont-Ferrand.
▪ At the entrance to Vic-sur-Cère, turn right (heavy goods vehicle bypass) and follow direction Pailherols by the D 54.
▪ Drive up 6 Km to the Curebourse pass by the D54. At the top of the pass is the Hostellerie St Clément. Continue straight on towards Pailherols and go down for 4 Km (do not turn left towards St-Clément).
▪ Turn left just before a bridge (sign "La Roussière"), follow this small road for 4 Km without ever turning left or right.
▪ Yes, it's at the end... of the World, and of the power line! GPS: Lat. 44.98200 Long. 2.69400.
To get around the area, we recommend the Michelin Auvergne-Limousin map n°522 at 1/275.000th (formerly n°239 at 1/200.000th) or, better and more detailed, the Michelin Cantal-Lozère map n° 330 at 1/150.000th.
To get a personalized route, click on GoogleMaps.
Warning: if you are coming from the East, GPS and GoogleMaps will probably tell you to leave the RN122 at Thiézac but we advise you not to do so and to drive to Vic-sur-Cère before turning left to Pailherols.
Have a safe trip and see you soon !
La Roussière 15800 Saint-Clément
00 33 (0)4 71 49 67 34